Meet Jen Nation


About Jen Nation, RN

A Washington native, Jen brings her love of horses and healing modalities together in the Balanced Healing Equine. Follow along to learn more about her!


Jen’s Certifications


Jen is currently a Registered Nurse and greatly appreciates her ability to make a noticeable difference in the lives of her patients. Her journey to PEMF, Cold Laser, KT Taping, and Revitavet began with a desire to learn and a seemingly simple injury she knew she could treat.

Jen’s beloved Cowboy, a 19-year old Quarter Horse, maintained a splint fracture causing superficial edema in his knee that did not appear to diminish with time. Using PEMF and consistent cold laser treatments, his edema is gone; he flexes well; he is not lame. Thus began her deeper dive into the world of alternative therapies, for people, equines, and, now, small animals.

This year, Jen has launched her business, Balanced Healing Equine. She has seen the power of the science behind the PEMF modality and is excited to bring the service to more people and animals in need. She utilizes a Magnawave Julian and believes that it finds areas of resistance and notably concern, especially when the reason for lameness is unclear to the human eye. She’s seen PEMF improve the consistency of athletic performance, comfort, and lameness.

Additionally, she also works with cold lasers, having two class 3B lasers that can be used for numerous purposes. She finds laser is good for concentrated work with soft tissue injuries. Jen is certified in PEMF for equines, small animals, livestock, and humans, and also works with infrared light (Revitavet), and kinesiology tape.

Follow Jen on Facebook and Instagram for an inside look into PEMF, Revitavet, kinesiology tape, and cold lasers!